Private Tuition

Standard | Beginner | Premium

Ad Hoc or Regular Tuition

Standard (50 min) Lesson - $70

Beginner (50 min) Lesson - $60* (conditions apply)
Premium (50 min) Lesson - $90

Prices are per person or couple per session

Ad hoc private tuition sales may be paid using a credit/debit card. Regular private tuition sales may be paid using a credit/debit card or via direct debit as part of a paid Long-Steps membership. Tuition sessions must be paid for 48 hours prior to the scheduled booking; on-the-day payment is not accepted.

Dancers on FREE membership plans must provide credit card information as security against their booking. Dancers with Casual, Standard or Premium memberships will have their nominated funding source charged 48 hours before their scheduled booking.

If the booking is made with less than 48 hours notice payment will be charged immediately. No refunds are given for cancellations within 48 hours of a scheduled booking or for booking no-shows.

* The 15% beginner lesson discount is applied to a paid Long-Steps membership. Beginner lessons are not available on an ad hoc basis.


More on How Much It Costs
Adult Classes | Socials & Parties | Private Tuition | Wedding Dances | Workshops | Membership | Specialist Services